On March 12th we celebrated the International Women’s Day with our beloved members and the generous supporters of TALL. Atrek family opened their beautiful house and wonderful garden to the guests who enjoyed a lovely spring afternoon of Southern California.

Our president, Sibel opened the meeting with some brief information about the past activities and the donations.

It was one of the remarkable gatherings with Cardiologist Dr Serap Sobnosky’s impressive presentation about “Broken Heart Syndrome” which started with a few minutes of meditation and ended with lines from her own poetry book, “Bense Aşk diyorum adıma”. We are grateful to Dr Sobnosky for donating her poetry books which were all bought by our guests during the event.

The other memorable part of the meeting was the “Women’s Day” award ceremony. This year, Jasmin Döker was recognized as the “Woman of the year” for her continued support of TALL. Jasmin, who also served as president for 2 terms in the past made a very impressive speech. She dedicated her award to all strong women who are devoted to make this world a better place. She thanked to all her family members from her parents to grandchildren, but most importantly to Atatürk, founder of modern Turkey who gave girls the opportunity to study and develop themselves.

We thank our host, Aydan Atrek for her kind hospitality. As members of TALL Board of Directors, we are very grateful to all our sponsors, members and guests who support us unconditionally. We look forward to seeing everyone at our next event.