TALL Programs

Every year we invite our members to recommend new organizations that need our support, both in the United States and in Turkey. We are looking to sponsor those schools that need our funds and are in the direst of circumstances, or schools that are for the blind. Once the groups are approved for our support, they are not forgotten – after their first year, they can come back to us with anything they need; if approved, then we continue our sponsorship for years to come.

Not only does TALL donate the funds we raise through fun & interesting events, but also our times and ourselves. We do what we can for these charities & organizations, and we are very excited to be making a difference in different corners of the world.

Başarılı Burslu Mezunlarımızdan Haberler…


ÇYDD Burslu öğrencisi

Kendime baktığımda bazen beni bile şaşırtan bu değişimi başka bir Kardelen’in de yaşamasını istiyorum…

Ben Batmanlı 7 çocuklu, 6 kız, bir erkek, ailenin en büyük kızıyım. 23 yaşındayım. Batman’da ilk ve ortaöğretimimi tamamladım. Batman Kız Meslek Lisesi’nden mezun olduktan sonra Boğaziçi Üniversitesi’ne başladım. 3. Sınıfta Erasmus değişim programı ile 1 sene Amsterdam’da bulundum. Bu sene fakülte ikincisi ve bölüm birincisi olarak mezun oldum. Fulbright Bursu’nu kazandım ve 2012 Ağustos ayında Amerika’ya gidiyor olacağım. Eğitim Politikası okuyacağım. İleride öğretim üyesi olmak istiyorum.  [Devamını okumak icin tıklayın…]


ÇYDD Burslu öğrencisi

Kelebek etkisi gibi sürmeli bu proje. İleride bir gün ne şekilde ses getireceğini bilemeyiz ama Çağdaş Türkiye’ye Çağdaş Fidanlar yetiştirmek boynumun borcudur…

İlk ve orta öğrenimimi İstanbul’da tamamladıktan sonra, lise hazırlık sınıfını bitirdiğimde, maddi sıkıntılar yüzünden lise öğrenimimi Manisa’nın Akhisar ilçesinde tamamladım. Lisede hazırlık sınıfındayken İstanbul Fatih ilçesinde katıldığım “Kızlar Kross Yarışması”nda birinci oldum. Aynı zamanda Dostluk Spor Bayan Takımı’nda ve Milli takımda futbol oynadım. Manisa’ya taşındıktan sonra, spor hayatımdan çok lise eğitimime ağırlık verdim. Akhisar’da liseyi tamamladıktan sonra, Balıkesir Üniversitesi Beden Eğitimi Öğretmenliği bölümünü bu sene ikincilikle bitirdim.  [Devamını okumak icin tıklayın…]

Ataturk Elementary School Project Update; Reyhanli-Hatay

Dear TALL Member and Friends,

I would like to update you of my recent experience while I visited one of the schools TALL supported with your generous contributions.

In addition to helping two schools in Hatay, with the funds raised at Casino Night TALL was able to fulfill the following needs of Ataturk Elementary School in Hatay;

• Computer
• Laptop
• Copier
• Slide Projector
• Iron Sliding Gate
• Balls
• School Uniforms

I would like to thank to my sister Tanju for communicating the school’s needs to me and with the funds donated by TALL personally fulfilling them in person which resulted in increasing the teachers’ and the school’s effectiveness.

Recently I visited Ataturk Elementary School during my visit to Turkey upon an invitation of the school administration. Headmaster, Assistant Headmaster, Director of Education along with the teachers greeted me. All indicated how grateful they were to TALL for all the donations provided. Following the Director of Education’s speech of many thanks and what TALL’s assistance to the school meant, I gave a brief speech that was followed with a loud and long applause from the students, teachers and the administration along with voices of the students repeating “Ataturk, Ataturk…”. I was very touched and felt very happy and proud of all TALL had done to the school supporting the young minds. As I was leaving I thought as TALL helps the children of Turkey excel, it is great to know we are following on Ataturk’s footsteps.

Until TALL fulfills needs of another school, as the Co-President of TALL, I extend many thanks to all of who have been attending the TALL events, making all the donations possible with your generous contributions for the youth of Turkey. See you in the next TALL event!

Naime Berkoz
TALL President